Sunday, August 9, 2015

Predictive Business Analytics : Introduction and brief concept for beginner guide (Predictive Analytics, Data Analytics) (Technology Easy Series Book 2)

Predictive Business Analytics

Introduction and brief concept for beginner guide (Predictive Analytics, Data Analytics) (Technology Easy Series Book 2)

Book Detail

Author : Salvatore Gaukroger
Print Length : 38 pages
Publisher : Play&Learn Publishing
ASIN : B013I6Z1A6
Type : Kindle Book

Book Description

This piece of information shall guide the readers to learn about the basics of Predictive Analytics, the concepts and methods of predictive analysis and make them adept to use the learning for its applications in the various aspects of their business.

Finding out the right information about the right people at the right time is need of the hour for every business. The research and development in Business Intelligence technology has reached to the level of excellence in providing the best possible opportunities that the ever growing data and information has to offer to the world.

Predictive Analytics is one such tool of Business Intelligence that provides the users with a predictive score for every important aspect of the business. These predictive scores are calculated with the help of predictive model. The predictive model works on the raw data collected by the business over the period of time.

The predictive score lets the business to project the probabilistic future outcomes based upon the past experience and trends shown by the data.

To be more specific with the applications of predictive analytics, it works to optimize the various marketing, operational, production and various other managerial tasks by predicting the points of risks and profits beforehand.

#analytics #bigdata #predictive #science

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